Concrete Canvas

Concrete Canvas

We, at Wall Tag are excited to present you with a ground-breaking building material that is revolutionising the way structures are constructed. Concrete canvas is a modern Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mat (GCCM) that is flexible, strong, waterproof, and fire-resistant. The concrete canvas is a cement based composite that is prepared by filling cement based composite powder into fabric.


  • Flexibility: Concrete canvas is a geosynthetic material that can be rolled out like a mat. It is suitable for a wide range of construction projects since it can adapt to different shapes and surfaces.
  • Waterproof and fire-resistant: Once hydrated, the concrete canvas solidifies into a thin, impermeable coating of strong, waterproof, and fire-resistant concrete. This function comes in very handy for many uses.
  • Mixing equipment not required: Most of the traditional concrete building often requires large machinery and mixing tools. Concrete canvas streamlines the procedure as only water is required for hydration. In this way, complex and expensive on-site machinery is no longer required. 
  • Three-dimensional fibre matrix: Concrete canvas is made up of a 3D fibre matrix and a particularly designed dry concrete mix. Failures and cracks can be prevented by strengthening the concrete with this matrix.
  • Different thicknesses: There are three different concrete canvas thicknesses: CC5 (5mm), CC8 (8mm), and CC11 (11mm). With this versatility, you can select the ideal thickness for your particular application.


  • Rapid installation: Concrete canvas can be installed at a rate of 200m2/hour, which is ten times faster than traditional concrete solutions. This speed is crucial for most time sensitive projects.
  • Easy to use: Contrary to traditional concrete, which demands exact mixing and measuring, concrete canvas is pre-mixed. Therefore, sophisticated machinery or highly specialised workers are not required. Concrete canvas is also offered in portable rolls for applications with restricted access. 
  • Lower project costs: Costs for the project are reduced as a result of the quick installation and streamlined procedure. In comparison to traditional concrete, concrete canvas GCCM is less logistically demanding and more cost-effective.
  • Eco-friendly: Concrete canvas is a low-mass, low-carbon construction material that utilises up to 95% less material than conventional concrete. This decrease in material utilisation is a big step in the direction of environmentally friendly building practices.

Unlock The Future of Construction With Wall Tag

Whether you’re working on infrastructure projects, emergency housing, or any other building application, Wall Tag concrete canvas is here to provide creative solutions and show you the way to the future of construction! Contact us today to find out how concrete canvas can help your next project.